DISHPlayer Software History

The Dish Network User's Resource
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How to check your version: Home - Settings - Diagnostics - Receiver Info
131 (receiver), 10-24-07
130 (receiver), 1-25-07
129 (receiver), 4-20-06
128 (receiver), 2-14-06
17015 (WebTV Client), 8-30-05
- Fixes
- Satellite signal not required for DVR playback¹
127 (receiver), 6-15-05
- Fixes
- Adds support for extended blackout when locally blacked out programs continue beyond scheduled time¹
- Flubs
- Bug: Unable to view previously recorded programs when satellite signal is lost²
Status: Resolved 17015
17014 (WebTV Client), 6-8-05
- Features
- When getting TV Information it now tells what is going on below the bar
126 (receiver), 5-5-05
- Fixes
- Works with yellow smart card
17008 (WebTV Client), 1-20-05
17007 (WebTV Client), 12-9-04
125 (receiver), 11-30-04
- Features
- System Info screen now reports units with a larger hard drive as “7200+ (HDD Upgrade)”. Before it said “unknown.”
- Search screen has 2 check boxes, 'Extensive' and 'Title Only'.
- Merged extended movie ratings into TV ratings - Extended info now has TV ratings, made consistent with locks
- Fixes
- Guide download takes less than 10 minutes instead of more than 15.
- Fix checkswitch progression bar time - Corrects actual time with progression bar to be consistent
- Fixed all-day PPV ordering - Able to order events anytime during the ADDT time frame
17000 (WebTV Client), 8-13-04
124 (receiver), 7-15-04
16917 (WebTV Client), 5-18-04
123 (receiver), 1-29-04
16914 (WebTV Client), 10-15-03
- Features
- Notices, Instant News and Games have been removed²
- Available drive space is shown (in percentage) on the recorded programs page²
- Search has been added on the TV Home page. The Help and Settings selections have been moved to the bottom of the screen. ²
- MSN Messenger changes have been done to allow those that
use it to keep using it²
- Source (alt.dbs.echostar)
122 (receiver), 8-6-03
16833 (WebTV Client)
112 (receiver), 5-11-00
- Features
- Fixes
- Most if not all of the Switch error bugs²
- A number of lesser bugs have been made less frequent²
- Flubs
- Popping on the left channel4
- Annoying “getting information” bug4
Misc notes, unknown version
- From time to time (maybe once an hour) a portion of the screen gets pixelated. For example, someone can be standing there and then as they start to speak, his entire face will turn into large blocks and then it will clear up. It's not normal artifacting and just started on the DISHPLAYER immediately following the PTV upgrade. If I “rewind” and view it again, the blocking doesn't appear again.
Status: Unresolved. The best analysis that anyone's been able to come up with is that sometimes the DISHPlayer doesn't have enough video buffered to supply an unbroken video stream while the hard drive read head has to span several tracks. Frequent 2 second or less blackouts also seem to be related to this phenomenon. If you find this particularly annoying, you might want to try adding a second or two of pause to the program you're watching. For many folks it seems
to help.
- Per Dish sources
- User observations
- New to this version
- May have been present in earlier versions
Do you know what's new or different? Tell the EKB