6000 Software History

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856P, 1-18-07
855P, 4-19-06
P829, 11-17-05
P828, 7-27-05
- Features
- TV Guide logo on EPG²
- Scroll windows in the Signal test²
- 129 and 119K added to Point Dish screen²
- Fixes
- HD resolution issue on Voom channels introduced in 827P¹
- Hides duplicate channels when both 61.5° and 148° are connected²
P826, 5-18-05
P825, 4-12-05
P784, 5-18-04
P783, 11-13-03
P781, 10-7-03
- Features
- 105 and 121 now listed on the point dish screens
- Discrete HD/SD workaround is back in the code
- Guide data should go out at least 12 hours
- New option Menu, 6, 8 “HDTV Setup”
Replaces 6, 8 “multi dish install” and 6, 9 “HDTV Setup”
- Fixes
- check switch should be much faster now
- acquiring guide data from the satellite is now much faster
- Flubs
- IR remote hanling. Status: Resolved P783
P780, 9-25-03
- Features
- Fixes
- fixes the discrete HD/SD code workaround that was broken in P778
- includes quite a few enhancements behind the scenes that you won't see to generally make it more stable
- fixes at least 3 different cases where you would get the “acquiring satellite” message
P778, 7-9-03
P777, 1-6-03
- Features
- SD/HD followed by PgUp/PgDn discrete mode switching for programmable remotes (DBSTalk)
P776, 7-16-02
P775, 6-12-02
- Features
- capability to plug in the new adapter for 8PSK format HDTV. Discovery HD will require this adapter when it moves to ch 9420 on 7/1/02
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