111 Software History

The Dish Network User's Resource
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P442, 6-29-10
P441, 10-7-08
P278, 2-14-07
P277, 2-9-06
P276, 7-26-05
- Features
- New satellite support in point dish screens¹
- Scrolling window for satellite selection¹
- Support duplicate channels in installation, one is hidden¹
- Made the Hide Adult, Lock PPV, and Hide Locked buttons toggle when changing their status¹
- Updated SW copyright to 2005 in System Info¹
- Fixes
- Signal scan in System Info 1 screen that sometimes returned a red 'no signal' status erroneously¹
- Timeout and retries for error pop-up120¹
- Pop-ups 128 and 129 will now be displayed for unauthorized/authorization in progress receiver conditions¹
P274, 3-15-05
P273, 8-3-04
P272, 5-11-04
P271, 2-12-04
P270, 11-11-03
- Per Dish sources
- User observations
- New to this version
- May have been present in earlier versions
Do you know what's new or different? Tell the EKB